Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Governor Palin and Robert Gibbs Agree on the "Nation's Car"

The Democrats have been obsessed in recent months with using a car analogy for the Obama administration and their role in altering the direction of the economy and the country. Recently, the DNC changed their logo to represent "drive" on a car's gear shift, as a supposed indicator that Democrats are about moving the country forward. However, that "forward" direction only meets the approval of 30% of the country. In recent campaign events, President Obama has even said that Republicans need to ride in the back seat as Republicans are apparently incapable of helping the country get back on the right track.

Today, reporters questioned Press Secretary, Robert Gibbs, about the Obama administration's role in getting the country out of the proverbial ditch. In a rare occurrence of truthfulness, Gibbs indicated that the Obama administration is culpable for the poor economy, as Governor Palin tweeted this afternoon:
Classic admittance: nation's car driven in ditch & "there's an Obama bumpersticker on it" so says Obama spokesman. Um, that's been our point
Here is the exchange between Gibbs and reporters that Governor Palin references:

Crossposted here.

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